Home Football Game vs. Northern (2:45-9 PM)--MB ONLY 2:45-4:45 PM: Warm-up/Rehearse 4:45 PM: Change into Uniform ~5:30 PM: March to Stadium ~5:40-6 PM: Pregame ~6 PM: Kick-off ~6 PM-8:30 PM: Home Football Game vs. Northern ~8:45 PM: March to Band Room ~9 PM: Dismissal from LHS Rehearsals and performances areÊmandatoryÊfor …
Home Football Game vs. McDonough(2:45-9 PM)--MB ONLY 2:45-4:45 PM: Warm-up/Rehearse 4:45 PM: Change into Uniform ~5:30 PM: March to Stadium ~5:40-6 PM: Pregame ~6 PM: Kick-off ~6 PM-8:30 PM: Home Football Game vs. McDonough ~8:45 PM: March to Band Room ~9 PM: Dismissal from LHS Rehearsals and performances areÊmandatoryÊfor students.ÊÊShould …